(Come, Listen, Interpret, Change)
C.L.I.C is a project under the Personal Development Division that holds creative seminars, talk shows, and workshops that align with C.L.I.C’s core values of insight, inspire, and change.
By having inspirational experts as speakers, C.L.I.C’s creative seminars aim to act as a platform for participants to hopefully gain insights and self-develop further. Moreover, C.L.I.C also strives to enhance and hone the skills and abilities of their participants through workshops.
In this era, to break the limitations of distance and time for participants to gain insight from our future events, C.L.I.C will realize its goals by utilizing technology systems. C.L.I.C will hold its future events through a hybrid system, making it more flexible for everyone anywhere and anytime. The hybrid system will not be much different, because this event will be held in a unique and comprehensive way so that each participant, online or offline, will still get the same insights from C.L.I.C's speakers.

Horizon is a project held under the Public Relations Student Board S1 Universitas Prasetiya Mulya. Horizon serves as the one and only campus media. Horizon is divided into 2, which follows along Horizon Magazine and Horizon Radio as it's source of media entertainment or information.
Horizon encourages Universitas Prasetiya Mulya's students to embrace a passionate and cultural side, which students are gathered to share their taste of music, journalism, free speech and the art of public speaking. Overall Horizon is a community formed by Prasmulyan's voices. A close community that strongly adheres to the culture that we have formed and passed down.

(Movement On Social and Environment)
MOSE is a project under the Social and Environment Division that holds three main events this year, such as: Growing for Greener Planet, Inspire Kindess and Heal Our Marine Ecosystems (HOME).
The purpose of MOSE is to become a forum for Prasmulyan who have an interest and concern for others and environmental sustainability by participating in social and environmental themed activities.

(Semangat Seni Prasetiya Mulya)
SEMESTA is a project under the Art and Skills Division, based on collaboration between the Student Activity Club at Universitas Prasetiya Mulya that is related to art. SEMESTA will hold a talent show, an art conference, and related workshops to develop art and skills talent this year.
The purpose of SEMESTA is to be a platform for Prasmulyan who have an interest in arts, especially for the Student Activity Club, to increase their talent and creativity through SEMESTA’s projects.

The Blue Merchant
The Blue Merchant is a project under the Financial and Resource Development Division which produces official merchandise that represents the identity of Prasmulyan. This year, The Blue Merchant will launch our first online store as we aim to broaden our target market with more upcoming merchandise. Through the tagline “Where Pride Begins”, we expect that wearers can share the pride of being a part of Universitas Prasetiya Mulya.
With this year’s theme of Social Issues and Mental Health, The Blue Merchant aims to create meaningful merchandise that can increase knowledge and also raise awareness of social issues and mental health. We strive to become a place for the young generation, especially Prasmulyan, to channel their ideas and hobbies, as well as hone their talents to become professionals and entrepreneurs.
Social Week
Social Week is an annual Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activity under the Social and Environment Division. Social Week consists of four major events, which are Blood Donation, Helping Hand Program, Seminar & Lokakarya, and Social Talks.
The purpose of all Social Week’s activities are as a form of Prasmulyan’s dedication in helping the surrounding community by developing their skills, facilitating the provision of staple food and suitable clothes, encouraging the community to donate blood, even during the pandemic, as well as establishing good relationships between one another.